Archivist, Biographer, Educator

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Mike to Read at Wilkes University

7 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2013

Ballroom, Henry Student Center

Wilkes University, 84 W. South Street, Wilkes-Barre

Book signing immediately following. Reception for Dr. Lennon following the reading in Kirby Hall.

Please RSVP by Friday, Nov. 1, to confirm your attendance at the reception by calling or emailing Rebecca Van Jura at 570-408-4306 or email [email protected]

Parking available behind Henry Student Center

Mike and Joseph Lennon


Mike at Villanova

Villanove 9-17-13.3

Mike and Barbara Wasserman

Photos in the Brooklyn neighborhood where Norman Mailer lived for 45 years, by Marleen Wynants.

Bio: British Cover

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JML and John Buffalo Mailer


An Evening with Mike

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Stephen Mailer and JML


Mailer House

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