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Category: Media Page 7 of 13

Mike on The Cycle

J. Michael Lennon talks with The Cycle hosts about how Norman Mailer changed American literature.

[Mike apologizes for saying that Mailer was an only child. What he meant was that Mailer was the only male child.]

Mike in Brooklyn

Photo: Jeffrey Michelson

Photo: Jeffrey Michelson

House Photos

Photos by Donna Pedro Lennon.

75 at 75: J. Michael Lennon on Norman Mailer

Norman Mailer was 75 in May of 1998 and had just published a 1300-page retrospective anthology of his work, The Time of Our Time. The defining event of the collection is the Cold War, and Mailer could have read from any number of excerpts, fictional and nonfictional, that unfold under its huge shadow, but because the Monica Lewinsky scandal was then being hotly debated, and the impeachment of President Clinton looming, Mailer read first from two recently published pieces about Clinton.

Mike on The Bat Segundo Show

J. Michael Lennon is most recently the author of Norman Mailer: A Double Life. This conversation also references essays contained in the new Mailer collection, Mind of an Outlaw.

Mike in Sarasota

Mike Lennon

Photo by Gerald Lucas. See more images from this year’s Norman Mailer Society Conference.

A Reading of “Don Juan in Hell”

A video of Norman Mailer, Mike Lennon, Gore Vidal, and Norris Church Mailer in Don Juan in Hell, in October 2002.

Mike and Lee Siegel


Texas Book Festival


Greg Curtis and Mike in Austin

Mike in Brooklyn

At the Mailer apartment in Brooklyn on October 15. Photo by Frank Nastasi.

At the Mailer apartment in Brooklyn on October 15. Photo by Frank Nastasi.

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