Mike will join Jeff Zimbalist and Michael Mailer at the premiere of How to Come Alive with Norman Mailer for a question and answer session on Saturday, June 29, 2024 at the Film Forum. For more information and to purchase tickets, see the Film Forum web site.
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Susan Mailer and Norman Mailer’s authorized biographer, J. Michael Lennon, will explore her story, but also that of the five years she spent writing her memoir. They will discuss how her psychoanalytic training aided her comprehension of her father’s complex personality, and how delving into her past turned out to be a second analysis for her. They will examine the similarities and differences between the act of writing and practicing analysis. And also, how becoming a writer has helped her maintain a continuing dialogue with her father, after his death in 2007.
The virtual event is on Sunday, November 15 at 7pm EST.
From the book release party of Susan Mailer‘s In Another Place. Photos by Elizabeth Rainer (erainer [at] gmail [dot] com).
At The Inkwell NYC (in our NEW LOCATION at WORD Brooklyn) is delighted to feature three highly-acclaimed biographers John J. Winters, Michael Lennon, and Barbara Burkhardt.
At the American Writers Museum to discuss Mailer and his work will be J. Michael Lennon and Maureen Corrigan. Lennon is emeritus professor of English at Wilkes University, is Norman Mailer’s archivist, editor, and authorized biographer, and president of the Norman Mailer Society. His books include Norman Mailer: “A Double Life” (2013) and “Selected Letters of Norman Mailer” (2014).
October 1967 March on the Pentagon On October 21, 1967, an estimated 100,000 Vietnam War protesters rallied in Washington, DC. More than 35,000 demonstrators marched to the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, and many remained there overnight. More than 600 protesters, including author Norman Mailer, were arrested. The Vietnam Peace Commemoration Committee hosted a panel discussion on the March on the Pentagon. Many speakers were activists who participated in the Washington, D.C., protest.

At the latest conference of the Norman Mailer Society, Sarasoata, FL. Photo by Jerry Lucas.
Moderator: Dr. J. Michael Lennon– Norman Mailer’s official biographer, Vietnam Veteran, award-winning author, and Professor Emeritus at Wilkes University.